
A White-tailed Hawk Catches a Snake and a Hooded Merganser Gets a Fish in South Texas

Recently, I went looking for Aplomado Falcons in their usual haunts but ended up seeing a few other choice birds instead. The fact that I missed the falcons shows how rare this species really is. However, whenever you go looking for falcons or other wildlife in South Texas, you always end up seeing something good.Continue Reading Tagged With: , , ,

Birds and a Beautiful Snake from South Texas

Lately, the weather has been rainy and dreary in South Texas but that hasn’t stopped me from getting some nice pictures of birds and other animals. It might take longer to get good shots but patience eventually pays off with pictures of everything from warblers to waterfowl. It’s always nice to get a picture ofContinue Reading Tagged With: , , ,

More Beautiful Birds on South Padre Island and a Mystery Animal

It’s hard to stay away from South Padre Island during migration because the site attracts such a wide variety of waterbirds and passerine migrants. The birds come and go from one day to the next so it’s worth it to keep going back to this hotspot. Although I didn’t find any rarities on my latestContinue Reading Tagged With: , , , ,

Wading Birds in South Texas

Wading birds like herons, egrets, and spoonbills will always save the day when you just want to get some pictures of birds. They stand out in the open, don’t move around as much as small birds, are big, and always make striking portraits. Recently, I had a very pleasant day of bird photography at LagunaContinue Reading Tagged With: , , , , ,

More Beautiful Birding on South Padre Island

Every trip to South Padre Island is going to be good for birds and bird photography. While that south Texas birding hotspot is best during migration, you are still going to get wonderful looks at lots of great birds no matter when you make your visit. One of those great birds is the Reddish Egret.Continue Reading Tagged With: , , , , ,

Resident Waterbirds from South Padre Island

In late August, the breeding birds of South Texas have raised their young and became less conspicuous. Nevertheless, even though colorful bird species like the Altamira Oriole might not be singing as much, the wetlands and mud flats on the coast offer more than enough birds to look for and photograph. One of those choiceContinue Reading Tagged With: , , , , ,

Go Birding in South Texas on South Padre Island to see Migrant Shorebirds

South Padre Island is one of the better spots for seeing shorebirds in Texas as well as in the entire country. The rich mudflats there and other sites on the gulf coast play host to thousands of sandpipers, plovers, egrets, and other aquatic species during both fall and spring migration. A recent jaunt over toContinue Reading Tagged With: , , , ,

A Few Animals and Birds from Laguna Atascosa and South Padre Island in Early August

August is here and with this month comes shorebirds and quite a few young birds being seen in the scrubby woodlands and wetlands of south Texas. On a recent venture to Laguna Atascosa and South Padre Island, I saw a fair number of birds and a few mammals. No matter what time of the yearContinue Reading Tagged With: , , , , ,

Least Grebes in South Texas

The subtropical habitats of south Texas make this little corner of the country the only place where you can see a bunch of neotropical bird species without leaving the USA. One of those birds is the Least Grebe. Found in many parts of Mexico and Central and South America, the Least Grebe also feels rightContinue Reading Tagged With: , , , , ,