White-tailed Deer

Look at the spread on this ten point Buck! I was more than happy to shoot it with my camera.

The Lower Rio Grande Valley isn’t just a good place to take pictures of birds. American Alligators, plenty of White-tailed Deer and even Ocelots occur in the brushlands and subtropical habitats of the valley.



When some White-tailed Deer presented themselves for perfect photo opportunities, I took a break from the birds to get pictures of these majestic animals.

The same buck in the photo above has let me get close enough for several shots.

White-tailed Deer

Here he is from a different angle.

White-tailed Deer family

Patience also awarded me with these tender images of a doe and fawn!

One of my more dramatic shots was of a buck shedding his “Velvet”.

White-tailed Deer with velvet

Shedding the velvet.

Photos like these are the reason why I spend so much time looking for wildlife in the Valley!

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