While this year’s rough winter shows no signs of ending in states to the north, there are signs of spring in south Texas. We could still call it late winter if we wanted, but the first blooms of Texas Redbud and singing birds indicate that spring is definitely on the way. On a recent trip to the field, one of the birds that was singing the most was an Eastern Meadowlark.

An eastern Meadowlark sings at sunset.

An eastern Meadowlark sings at sunset.

This blackbird species is a common sight in southern Texas and grasslands in many parts of the country. It’s one of the first birds to sing during spring and that’s a good thing because it has a very pleasant song.

Eastern Meadowlark.

Eastern Meadowlark.

Eastern Meadowlarks love to sing from the top of a fence post.

Eastern Meadowlarks love to sing from the top of a fence post.

Note the rather long legs, short tail, and brown streaked upperparts- typical characteristics of grassland species.

Note the rather long legs, short tail, and brown streaked upperparts- typical characteristics of grassland species.

While the meadowlarks were singing in the grasslands, various waterbirds were foraging in lagoons and coastal marshes.

A Black Skimmer was dipping its long orange and black bill into the water.

A Black Skimmer was dipping its long, orange and black bill into the water.

While the skimmer flew over the water with graceful wings, other birds waded and floated in the vicinity.

Roseate Spoonbills added color to the marsh.

Roseate Spoonbills added color to the marsh.

A Pied-billed Grebe preened and foraged near the spoonbills.

A Pied-billed Grebe preened and foraged near the spoonbills.

Gulls were also present including several Ring-billed Gulls. Notice the black ring on the bill and the yellowish legs.

Gulls were also present including several Ring-billed Gulls. Notice the black ring on the bill and the yellowish legs.

Lots of Laughing Gulls were also around.

Lots of Laughing Gulls were also around.

A Great Blue Heron flew off with a hefty meal!

A Great Blue Heron flew off with a hefty meal!

It was a good day for birds and although the cold weather hasn’t left the country yet, more spring birds will be arriving and singing in south Texas in a matter of weeks.

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